My Lord spoke to me this morning as I was enjoying our time together in our secret  place:                                                                            

    Come close to Me and see My will for you as a blessing from Me. It is taken you many places and the expriences I give you would love to be experienced by those who miss them. Yes, the experiences live because I give them to people as a time of learning from Me. They experience the interest of My people and communicate with them in ways that people could miss. My love for you takes you into experiences that have meaning for your future as well as the present. Experience Me through others, and don’t be afraid to use them as a gift from Me. You will meet new people, but look to them as My experience I have planned for you. Look at it this way: I work on both sides. One side learns from the other side. You show-up and they show-up. You are thinking and they are thinking. You impress them one way or the other; one way or the other. I know you don’t fully understand, but you will.

There are occasions in our lives when we experience God ordained encounters: communications with those set-up by the Lord. Look at them as something God has appointed and ordained, and ask, .“What can I learn from this?”  God can and will communicate to us through  others.

November 8, 2007, God gave this portion of verse to me: I Samuel 10:7b – …do as ocasion serve thee: for God is with thee.

Read I Samuel 10:1-8.

Saul had gone out to search for and find his father’s lost asses. After traveling far and not being able to find them, Saul’s servant said,  “There is a man of God here in this city (Zuph), all that he says comes to pass. Let’s go to him and maybe he can show us where to find the lost asses.”  (I Samuel 9:5-8).

Now, the Lord had told Samuel in his ear a day before Saul came, saying, Tomorrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thous shalt anoint him to be captain over my people Israel (I Samuel 9:15,16).

Then Saul drew near to Samuel, and said, Tell me I pray thee, where the seer’s (see I Samuel 9:9) house is. And Samuel identified himself as the seer, and invited Saul and his servant home with him, and said, For ye shall eat with me today and tomorrow I will let you go, and tell you all that is in your heart. As for the asses, they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and and all your father’s house?”  (I Samuel 9:19,20).

On the next day Samuel anointed Saul to be (ultimately) the king of Israel.

You see, God was working on both ends. He wanted Saul and Samuel at the right place at the right timing so His will could be accomplished. He used Saul’s servant, Saul, Saul’s father, and yes, He used the asses.

There were life changing experiences for Saul following directly after his ordained encounter with Samuel. For when Saul left from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and all those signs spoken by Samuel came to pass that day (I Samuel 9:9-12).

Prepare yourself for your God ordained encounters.  




Woman of God, do you struggle with the question:
What is my role in God’s kingdom?
I desire to be the best I can be in every area of my life,
But where are those older women who are supposed to teach me?
I want to please God.
I want to be a godly example in my home.
Help me!
Well, this message was birthed by God, to do this very thing.
I will attempt to answer your questions.

I am only a woman myself, with your same desires.
God has dealt with me to write this message just for you.
You may not even be a Christian, but the Lord somehow prompted you to follow this site.

No marriage can work without God in the center of the home.

As we go through the Scriptures together,
I ask you to have your Bible open.

Today we will be studying Titus 2:4 –
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.
I want to zero in on a portion of this verse.
…that they may teach the young women to…love their husbands…
Why would we have to be taught to love our husbands?
There must be some of us who have a problem in this area.
If not, it wouldn’t even be mentioned in the precious Word of God.

I feel we need to love our husbands in three areas:
Phileo (in the Greek) which is friendship love
Agape (in the Greek) which is the God kind of love
Awhab, (pronounced aw-hab’, in the Hebrew) Which is sensual or romantic love

In our hearts, we must have more love for our husbands than anyone on this earth, because we are supposed to love them in three areas
whereas we only love all others with two kinds of love.

The God Kind of LoveLadies, love that husband first with the God kind of love.

Begin to look at him as God sees him.
The way you get to this place, is to put God first in your life.
God requires time with you; and you can’t really be a woman of God without it.
My secret place with God is early in the morning, in the sunroom of our home. – I get my Bible, study material, and my journal and spend time with my Lord alone.
Sometimes I write prayers to God in My journal.
Many times things have come up during the day I would not have reacted to in the right way, except that God had given me a Scripture or inspiration that helped me to walk in the Spirit that day.

If we love the Lord our God with all our soul and all our might,
He will help us to love our husbands the way He planned in the beginning.
God will help us show respect to that man so our children will do the same.

The God kind of love is not selfish nor jealous.
The God kind of love can only come from our Creator.
So ask Him for it.

Friendship love
This kind of love should have been the love with which your relationship began; and should continue throughout your lives together.
Our husbands should be our best friend.
Treat him that way, he will warm up to it.
It is a proven fact that there is still a little boy inside every husband.

We should desire to be with them more than anyone else on this earth.
Many young women make the mistake of “switching friends” when the children come along. The children become our best friends and the husband feels pushed aside.
Girl, why did you marry that man in the first place?
Because you just couldn’t live without him. Well, what happened?
You who work outside the home, might say, “The children need all my attention when I get home.”
You that are stay-at-home moms say “I have been with these children all day, I don’t feel like giving my husband special attention when he gets home. I’m exhausted”.

Spending time with God each day can help you to put your priorities in order. Don’t forget, you chose that man to be your husband.

Romantic or Sensual Love
This kind of love is just as important as the other two because God sanctioned it for husband and wife together (only). Courtship before marriage is a time to learn things about each other and spend time with the one God has led to you.
It seems to me there is too much sexual contact experienced during the courting period in this day and time.
Sensual love is only to be experienced by husband and wife.
It is a gift a bride and groom give to each other after the wedding ceremony.
It is ordained by God and should be kept alive all the days of your lives together. It is wonderful and is worth waiting for.

I will sum-up this message today with these words.
Many women want to choose there own way of doing things, but I have found through trial and error, over the years, that the Word works.
Human intellect always thinks it’s right, but throughout the years, as man has come back to the Biblical point of view, they have found stability in it’s principles.
We know, as a woman of God, the power of the Word and the power of prayer, has brought us into a greater insight and revelation of the Lord’s intentions for us, which is always good: what is best for us.

God’s Word never fails.
His plan is to bring us to the place He wants us to be as wives.
He shows us the correct way, which cannot be improved upon.

Your own way might work for a while, but rebellion to God’s Word brings a curse with it every time. We can receive a curse or a blessing.
We all should desire God’s blessings.
This is my desire for you also — blessings!

My prayer for you is, that you will put into practice what you have learned today, with God’s help.

I speak blessings over you; spiritually, physically and financially.

The Word of God says:
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 2)
This is God’s will for you.

Let’s look at a bad marriage example
Laura is married to a young man she doesn’t even like.
When they were dating, he was very affectionate and attentive.
He also sent her gifts, but she knew nothing about him.
It happened so quick, she was swept off her feet.
They were married soon after they met,
but she really didn’t know him.

She began to see traits in him she had never noticed before.
He was jealous. He soon became violent and beat her many times.
She is trapped.
What happened?

We need to know more about those we become attracted to.
We should only become interested in a man of God,
not some one who only professes to be a man of God.
Ask questions before you get too interested.

You who are already married, don’t make the mistake of trying to change him to be what you want him to be.
That never works.
Ask God to do the changing each time you see something about him you don’t like.
Pray for him.
Maybe it’s you. Maybe you are too sensitive, so pray the same prayer for yourself.
“Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. Help me and my husband to be the woman and man of God you created us to be.
Help our friendship to grow, that we might have a greater understanding of each other”.
